As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I not only attend Sunday services each week (when we're not recovering from pneumonia, the stomach flu, and head colds, ahem...). But I also strive to attend the Temple regularly. The Temple is a sacred space that is different from our church meetinghouses (chapels) where we hold Sunday worship services and other activities. The Temple is the House of the Lord. It is a place where we go to make sacred covenants, learn, pray, receive respite from a hectic world, and feel the special Spirit that can only be found within its holy walls. The feeling that comes over me when I walk into a Temple is like no other feeling I've ever experienced. It's almost tangible. When I go too long without it, I feel like something is missing. This brief video explains the difference between our church meetinghouses/chapels and Temples. Hear from worldwide members, as well as scholars and leaders of other faiths and denominations on the significance of the Temple. It's a worthwhile 6 minutes:

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