Some of you may know, and some of you may not, that I have been working on a YA (young adult) fantasy novel for the past few years (few years meaning the time it took to research, write, and submit to agents and publishers). I am so excited to announce that I have, in fact, signed with a publisher, and am moving forward with my novel! I can't get into all the details yet because a lot of things are still in the works. But I have gone ahead and redesigned my website and started a very sparse author site (which I plan to beef up considerably). If you head over to my NEW SITE, you'll see I've divided things into my author site, this personal blog, and a creative site for my design and illustration work. This blog will primarily remain about family and personal info. I don't want to overload this site with book promotion if I can help it (when the time comes). I've already posted the first installment of my road to publication on my author site. And I plan on posting again very soon. So if you are interested in finding out more about what I've been up to, stay tuned on that site. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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This is so cool! Congratulations!
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