What is one thing you plan to do in 2011 to:
• Be a better mom
• Be a better wife
• Be a better self
Today we have April Kennedy of FUNKY VINTAGE KITCHEN. Isn't she a doll? Let's see what she has to say about her goals for 2011.
We are trying to implement a new rule this year in our home to limit our internet and TV time between the hours of 5pm -9pm. Business emails may be returned, but no browsing the internet, no blogging, no cartoons on TV throughout the evening. I have the beautiful opportunity to be a full-time stay at home mother {who, by the way, runs 3 businesses from that home}. Because of that, I find that so often I am not present with my children. Too many distractions with all this wonderful technology. Kaia our 13 year old was/is an easy child to raise. Very independent, very social and school/homework comes very easy for her. Our 8 year old son, Blake, was born with Spina Bifida. While he is so charming and sweet {and we will keep him just the way he is}, he is not very independent, not super social, and school work is very difficult for him. He requires more attention and more help. Having all media turned off at 5pm allows me to focus on things that are important to our family. The changes already are amazing. Dinner is prepared on time, homework is done each evening, instead of crammed in on Thursday evenings, and Blake gets one-on-one reading time before he is tired and it is bedtime. Children thrive on routine and this new routine allows me to be a better mom, give them the attention that they need, and help me be present...while they are still young. We found so many times that at 9:30pm I was on the internet, Dave was watching TV and our 8 year old was still awake waiting to be put to bed. With this new schedule our children are in bed by 8:30 making them happier children and me a happier and better mommy!BE A BETTER WIFE:
Oh I have so many things to be better at on this topic. Dave and I have had our roughest year yet in our marriage. This year we celebrate 17 years of wedded bliss and we were definitely not feeling the bliss this last year. Bad habits and selfish acts were taking a toll on our relationship. We were fighting a lot and showing less and less respect to the person we loved most. A few realizations took place after Dave wrote me a heartfelt letter that left me wanting to do anything and everything in our marriage to make it blissful again. It is safe to say that I did always think I was right and Dave was always wrong. That is hard to admit. I hadn't always thought that way, but like I said, bad habits had set in. I knew that I needed to take more of an interest in my husband and his interests and that we needed to set more time aside for us. {The new 8:30 bedtime above helps!} We started a Dear Dave + April Series on our blog where we are openly and honestly sharing our struggles and how we were working towards wedded bliss again. So this year I am listening better, not interrupting, and stopping whatever I am doing when he walks in the door to greet him and kiss him and let him know that he really does mean the world to me. The new shedule above is also helping immensely with dinner on the table more regularly. Oh how that makes him a happy happy man!BE A BETTER SELF:
As mothers, we tend to forget about taking care of us. With that said, I will admit that I get regular facials. I know—a luxury! But that is only taking care of my face...not my whole self. Five years ago I was in the best shape of my life. I had incredible amounts of enegry. My mind was clear and more focused. I felt good in my own skin, in my soul. All was right with me. I was exercising five days a week. Getting up at 5:20 am to take care of me. Put myself first. I was doing Boot Camp and loving it. I did it for a whole year, then I slowly started taking time off. Resting on my laurels. As long as I watched what I ate, my body was still maintaining it's shape, it's energy level, and I was feeling good. Fast forward to today. I am the heaviest I have ever been. And, actually I am OK with that. What I am not OK with is my lack of energy, my lack of focus and my lack of just feeling my best. I am starting Boot Camp again...on February 7th. I am setting a goal of exercising 3 days a week. That is a bit scary. I know how hard it is going to be to get in shape again, but I also know the rewards that exercising brings to my whole self. I will have more enegery that I will use to help develop a more well-rounded self that will incorporate mind, body and soul and I am excited!______________________________________
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So glad you picked April as a Supermom for your series. I define her exactly as this. Congrats April! We have a lot we can learn from you.
What a great interview - I loved reading all her answers and think she has some great ideas re: that new schedule. Will talk to my husband about them here too (I say at 7pm on the internet! oops!)
Great ideas! And thanks for being so honest! I love hearing the stories of other moms.
great interview!
... just happened upon your blog tonite...i'll be a regular now :)
I don't know how I missed this earlier... but I am glad I found it today!
Thanks for your honest answers April, as always you are an ispirtation!
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