It's no secret that I am LDS. But it's also not something that always comes up in casual conversation. By no means am I afraid to talk about it. I will happily talk openly with anyone and everyone who wants to know about why I made this change in my life. And while I totally get that nobody wants religion pushed on them, many people who have a strong faith would like to share that with people they care about—because it's a source of so much joy in their lives.
I also think it's valuable and important to have a basic, open-minded understanding of world religions, and not make assumptions about any religion. Did you know that Mormons are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Wait, which church? The official, and most appropriate name of the "Mormon" church is actually The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You read right. We are indeed Christians who believe in Jesus Christ. While the world generally knows us as Mormons (we won't be offended if you call us that), we will usually refer to ourselves as LDS (short for "Latter-day Saints").
Now, I do not intend to take up an entirely long (or longer) post going on and on about my religion, faith, and way of life. But I do have another web page dedicated to that. It's located on the new, revamped I would highly encourage you to click over to my personal page. I address some very basic questions and topics about the Church—things that are of eternal importance to me. Things like how I live my faith, and why I joined the Church. It's a place to read and learn. No pressure. Just answers. Click on the button below to go to my page (or click on the "What We Believe" button in my sidebar).
While you're there, look around at some of the other profiles (especially on the main page). You might recognize a few people. You'd be surprised to find who is LDS, and you didn't even know it. There are people with profiles from all backgrounds, faiths (who have converted), and circumstances in life. I love how accessible and informative it all is.
I had the privilege of designing some of the newfangled blog buttons for, that you may have noticed in a few other LDS bloggers' sidebars. So if you happen to be a Mormon, too, make sure you fill out your own profile, and grab a button!
Or you can find the whole set of buttons without having to fill out a profile here:

Click on the buttons below to visit some of my favorite profiles from blogger friends of mine:
What is your faith?
LDS buttons for blogMormon buttons for blog
Mormon blog buttons
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I love this post! i love your profile and i totally want a button for my blog!! i seriously want to make the time to fill out a profile soon. so excellent. great answers!
i always admire people like you who have the courage to seek truth, follow their heart, and commit to a big change.
i ask myself from time to time if i hadn't been raised in the church, would i have had the same courage you do.
i like to hope so.
thanks for sharing.
i love the new it is fantastic! your faith is inspiring and you did such a great job with the buttons!
thanks for linking to me.
This is the first I've heard of these profiles on Such an awesome idea! I loved reading your profile. It's always fun to hear other peoples stories.
Loved this post! And your link. I can't wait to create my own profile. I've heard so much about this site, but I've never paid a visit until today. Thanks Linds. Ok the funniest thing. I sent you to emails yesterday, and somehow I sent them to the wrong person!!!
I too was not always LDS. This is a really nice blog. One little nitpick. Maybe a lower-case "d" on "Latter-day Saints"?
Great job Lyndsay.
you and i have a lot in common. our conversion stories sound very similar. so can anyone make a profile on that site??? i haven't checked it out too much, maybe i will now. :)
It was nice to learn more about how you converted to the church- great post and great job on Thanks!! - Vi
Such a great post, Lyndsay! I'm on my way to check out your link. I can't tell you how much I've learned from you and the other LDS blogs I've been reading for the past two years. LDS Ladies such as yourself have truly transformed the way I perceive and feel about important things in my life. Thank you.
Where's MY button Lyndsay?????
You have such a powerful testimony Lyndsay. Thank you for sharing your story and for linking to mine. :)
I googled LDS blog buttons and found your blog. This is a great post. I hope it's ok that I used your "What we believe" button on my blog. If not, just let me know. Thank you for being such a great example. :)
Thank you so much for this post! I just found your blog because I was searching for an LDS button to add to my blog. I'm a convert, too...I always enjoy hearing others' stories and testimonies. Thanks, again, for sharing!
Thank you for making these cute buttons! I just started a blog today and was looking around for a button just like this. I really appreciate your work and this post :)
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