In response to the comments received on this post, I feel I need to address a few things. First of all, anonymous comments only cause me to turn the comment option off. Secondly, I am a very conscientious mother. I always have my children's best interests at heart. I don't appreciate the statement that I am ignoring truths. I am keenly aware of the world we live in. But I don't feel these photos cross a line. I am documenting my children's precious moments for future memoires. These are photos of innocent, fun times we are having as a family up in Oregon. I was very mindful when I took each photo. You will notice nothing indecent is exposed (only natural little bottoms...a common appearence on many mommy blogs, and in diaper ads, and in magazines). And in those particular photos, their faces are not included. While I appreciate the concern, I have a full understanding of what I am posting. This blog is a journal of our lives, for family and friends to share. I do not feel photos of baby rear-ends on my blog are anything to cause a big stir. I did readjust two of the photos. But I won't take them down, or stop posting nakedy photos of my kids who refuse to keep their clothes on in the hot heat of the summer. If any follower questions my motives or disapproves, you are free to stop following. Gosh. Who knew. :)