
V is for...

The Maritime Alphabet Poster is going swimmingly. I am stuck on only ONE LETTER. And that would be V. Come on you linguists! I need some help. While you are thinking about it, here are some hypno-octo-eyes:

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Holly said...


thirtynothing said...

If this was scattergories I'd pull the old "vest, life" but I know that won't work here. haha

Unknown said...

# 1. Scattergories is my favorite game, and I laughed out loud at that. (But Life Preserver is actually in there!)

#2. Vessel is actually pretty perfect! I have boat for B, but I can switch that out for another B word (of which there are a plethora).


Unknown said...

V is for Viper. You could make the snake look cute somehow if that's even possible. :)

Unknown said...

OR to make it more obviously maritime you could do the viperfish. It is scary looking though. Maybe you could make it look like it's smiling with those big teeth. If you google it, the images are freaky!

Lexi said...

Velvet crab
Viper squid

Babeich said...

I love the octopus - I would love it on a t-shirt. ;)

christa said...

Vaquita (porpoise; sea mammal)
Velvet crab (as mentioned above)

I can't wait to see this project when it's finished. Looks adorable so far!

RebeccaSS said...

you could do an adorable cruise ship or a piece of luggage.

Alexandra said...

To be fresh: viscous (thank you bp and miles deep offshore drilling and too much crazy dependence on oil. end rant.)

To be helpful: volcanos, volcanic vents, voyage, vapor (ocean turns to clouds :-)), voltage (electric eel),
variety (show a whole mix of animals living peacefully together under the sea)

Ok, I think I'm tapped out now.

Unknown said...

I just noticed that my daughter's maritime alphabet onesie we got on vacation has "velvet coral" as the v.

Unknown said...

Wow. How did they fit all of that on a onesie?? Sounds cute, though! I would love to see a photo.

April Kennedy said...

I've got nothing for V....but you are a winner on my blog for Dave's Big Giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'll take a pic. They are small cartoonish drawings and it has what the animal is written out in small letters. There's no single letters with it. It's more like a romper than a onesie...a t-shirt with shorts sort of unit. :)

Robin said...

I was going to say viperfish as well. But they are very creepy looking.