Has anyone seen that scene in Pee Wee Herman's Big Adventure when he sings that line out of the phone booth and everyone in close range sings,
"Deep in the Heart of Texas!!" Well, I am off to Texas today. And a little part of me has the urge to sing the fist line of that song on the plane and see who actually responds. I would bet money someone (if not some
people) would finish the song. :) Gotta love Texas! So I am headin' home to spend a few weeks with my parents (I said that in my long-lost Texas accent...did you hear it??). See y'all soon.
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Safe travels to you and your family! And now I have the urge to complete the claps after that first line of the song! : )
I was just thinking of how I miss you while you are on vacation...and viola...a post! I dare you to sing it. I really think you should. What a memorable flight you would make for most people. They would be talking about it for days!
Do it!
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