

My poor little lappy (read: MacBook Pro) is back in the shop again! So I am without a computer once more. And I just got done documenting some ruffly additions to Maya's jeans. So that will have to wait. Until then, I'll be browsing all of your blogs via the itsy bitsy iPod screen. Booooo....

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Anonymous said...

,,,don't be sad,,,more time with maya and finn,,,time that the big macpro steals away,,,more ruffels for maya!

Alissa Nicolau said...

Are you looking forward to the iPad?

Erica said...

oh girl the moment i read you had your macbook pro back, mine pooped the bed. god bless apple for getting me in today and being able to fix it by tomorrow. i'm going nuttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

regular PCs are for the birds.