It has been so nice sitting and waiting around for you to show up all day. And Saturday. And Friday. My kids love not going to the Zoo, the museum, on long walks. They much prefer to sit inside and plot ways to kill each other. True, today was overcast and breezy, no AC needed. But this weekend was rough. My living room gets up to 85 degrees, despite my best efforts. I have the pink cheeks and sweaty kids to prove it. It was also a lovely treat to have my elderly neighbor show up to a sweltering living room, and sit in agony, not wanting to be rude, while I blasted the fans on high, to no avail. She probably won't be back for a visit.
Since you promised you would be here today (indeed, after you called me twice to tell me you would be late), I am totally expecting to have to stay home all day tomorrow, as well. If you find me tied to the kitchen table being ruled by tiny tyrants, just let yourselves in and do what you need to do. You know where my attic is. So go for it. And on your way out, please tell the conveniently busy landlords that next time THEY can sit around for days on end waiting patiently for you to not show up when you say you will. And maybe I'll leave Finn and Maya with them while they do...
Sincerely yours,

To view a similar love letter, visit HERE.
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i. would. die. that is all.
laughing out loud at the strike through!
Ha Ha! Love the "Love" letter! I often feel the same "love" for the work orders I put in and have to wait on military housing to fix! Hope they made it and your house is nice and comfortable now!
I'm with dandee. Poor thing.
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