
Ironically, it's a coincidence

One of Wes's biggest pet peeves is that people misuse and interchange the terms "coincidence" and "irony." I thought I would use this morning's happenings to clarify a little bit:

It is IRONIC that, after months of no-shows, my tomato plant suddenly produced
juicy red tomatoes the week I decided to just let it die.

It is a COINCIDENCE that Finn showed up with my jeans at the very moment that I was ready to put them on.

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JennyLee said...

Gotta love irony.

Leciawp said...

You are so silly :)

Tiffany M. said...

Thaaaaank you for corrrrrecting me

brookeisacrazylady said...

dude if you stop watering, your tomatoes get red... one way to get them to ripen...(not the recommended way, but it works) seriously its like science. i'm totally not kidding, its really true.