I once fancied a love affair wild and alluring.
Now I desire one safe and enduring.
My Dearest Wesley,
Just kidding.
Dear Wes,
Currently you are away visiting, as you put it, the Land of Ice (even though I tried to start that silly argument about how Greenland is actually icier than Iceland, and Iceland is green, but Icelanders wanted to preserve their treasure of a home by SAYING it was icey...and you interjected and said you were merely playing with the word order). Currently I am admiring Maya and listening to the Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets soundtrack on the Spektone iPod player that I FIXED! Tonight I made the most delicious dinner I have ever made. Quite possibly! It was Sweet and Sour Chicken with pineapple in the sauce over brown rice. You are going to LOVE IT. Love it. Why have I never made it before? Because I wanted to wait until you were gone in case it didn't turn out (and then I just wouldn't tell you I ever made it at all). Did Finn love it, too? Of course not. Oh, he tried it! And the combination of the sweetness and sourness made him practically go into convulsions at the table. He smiled weakly, almost apologetically, and politely said "Pineapple OWWWW." And then hurried off to shake his dragon in Maya's poor snotty face and roar loudly, while I enjoyed my meal.
Since I was feeling a bit better today, I organized the back room. I have a table now! And I carefully and lovingly put a few of your things in order. But nothing that would cause any trouble. I threw nothing away. I even gave you part of a drawer. I also came across the 4 photos we took for our engagement photo. You know the ones—shot against the green bedspread hung over the window in your apartment. I had highlights. You had regular glasses and a shaved baby face. You pushed the shutter release from the camera 6 feet away. And then we composed them to look a bit like photos taken in a photo booth. They made me smile really big, and chuckle. Then I hung them on the wall right over your computer. That way you can tell me, every single day, how much better you think you look now.
I imagine you out in the middle of nowhere (since that is where you said you are), listening to Icelandic radio stations, and fighting the fog. I'm not terribly sad to miss the whole story of your adventures during our short conversations. I know your photos and footage will speak for you when you come home. I can't wait to see the manifestation of your creative efforts—they never cease to amaze me. In the mean time, I'm holding down the fort, loving our children, and counting the days until you come home so that you can make Finn's waffles in the morning while I sleep in. :)
Oh, and Finn pooped on the floor today.
Love you!

“Don’t you think I was made for you? I feel like you had me ordered—and I was delivered to you.”
—Zelda Fitgerald
Want the recipe for Sweet and Sour chicken? Visit Lickable Spoon HERE.
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Love the love letter! I want that recipe added to your recipe site. I need to start cooking at home again regularly. I like the brown rice idea with it.
I love your quotes! They are so romantic and sweet.
Coffee coming out my nose about Finn pooping on the floor. Nothing like a reality check at the end of a love letter to your husband.
ahh, this reminds me of writing to doug while he was in kuwait. (as a documentary guy, not a soilder. ;)
so sweet!
Why do they always poop on the floor when they know dad is away. Not fair. Very sweet note though. And thanks for the recipe link.
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