I am so fortunate to be able to do this.
I also know what I gave up to do this. I gave up a well-paid, full time job as a graphic designer. I was good at that job. I am still good at that job. I gave up the ability to travel on a whim. To dine out when and wherever I want, at fancy places where double strollers can't fit. I liked to do those things. But I am happy to give them up for a while. I gave up a fancy working girl's wardrobe (or rather, packed it away in my closet for now). I gave up insensible foot wear (for the most part). I gave up a lot of sleep.
I gave up laziness. I gave up selfishness. I gave up the part of me that was happy to go through my life thinking only of my little world, for a new world that has opened up before me like none I could have imagined for myself.
It is my choice. No one else's. I choose this life, and I choose to love it. I choose the right. The right for me. For my children. And I know that I am blessed because of it.
You are the trip I did not take;
You are the pearls I cannot buy;
You are my blue Italian lake;
You are my piece of foreign sky.
(“To My Child,” quoted in Charles L. Wallis, ed., The Treasure Chest [1965], 54)

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Sweet post.
Motherhood is becoming on you!
I think it's great when big things (like becoming a mother) are a seen as a choice.
I know I will be a good mom someday, for now I am enjoying all that things life has to offer. Like 8 hours of sleep. Every night :)
yes, motherhood is a choice. and you do it very well. look at those cute kids!
I love this. Motherhood looks good on you...literally. Now tell me, could you go for three?
Those are really beautiful thoughts on motherhood! being 8 months pregnant with my first, i am so excited to take this leap and have this baby in my arms. i have been learning so much lately, through friends and even blogs (like yours! :) about what it may be like to become a mother, but i guess i won't know truly for another couple months. blogs like yours make me so happy about this new journey i will be taking! thanks :)
Hey Lyndz,
Great post. You hit the nail on the head. It's definitely the toughest job I'll ever love.
Amen sister!!!
Thanks for this post Lyndsay. It's always a great reminder - that I chose this. Because there are those days where it wears on me. But I did choose it, and I want it, and know it's where I'm supposed to be. Uplifting posts like this are a good reminder of that. :)
Simply beautifully put!
This made me cry, in comparison at first, then just in general. So lovely, thankyou for this post.
Thank you for this post. I think I've started forgetting lately that we do choose to be mothers and we also have the choice what kind of mother we will be. This was exactly what I needed to read today.
Love this post. You say it all so well! How do you look so good in those circumstances?! Beautiful!
I needed this. Thank you!
Well said - and all of that is waiting for you and will be there. Enjoy your days!
I love this post and am linking it to my post today. Hugs!
Thank you for posting this. Beautiful.
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