Wes caught this little gem with his iPhone today. Finn is "pretending" to, well, just look at the photo. But it's all a show! I've tried just putting him in regular undies thinking he'll hate being wet, but seeing as he'll stay in a wet t-shirt from water play for like 2 hours and not complain (even
BEG me not to take the shirt off), it looks like we're going to have to go another route. Toddling off to the potty because he hates feeling soggy isn't going to happen any time soon. Instead he's traipsing around in damp t-shirts looking for messes. What a boy! And quite the little actor, it seems.
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Oh, boy...potty training! I swear nothing works but star stickers for #1 and mini M&M's for #2. or some combination of whatever he loves. He's so cute.
What a stinker. Perfect for being a boy.
Priceless pic!
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