Hi, there! Maya, here. I am four months now! I had a doctor's appointment and weighed in at 13 pounds. I am still dainty, so the good doctor told me to start eating some rice cereal. How did that go, you wonder? I wasn't too sure about it:

So every Sunday Mom takes my picture because my Granny says I change daily. So she needs weekly updates, of course! Here is today's photo shoot:

I am demonstrating my "crunch" skills, which I like to show off at every opportunity. My Mommy has started doing these same exercises, because she noticed my abs were looking better than her own. Silly Mommy.

Finn always likes to be included. Here he is asking for fruit snacks...he does that a lot. Maybe that should be my next solid food...

See you all next week with more cuteness!
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soooo cute! I miss those days. Every day is a new little victory.
Finn and Maya look so much alike. (I love their names btw!)
They are so cute, and Maya does change a lot each week- I love her bib!
Maya your bib is delicious and so are you. You look a lot like your big brother in one of the pictures, but still very girly. And don't let those doctors fuss about your weight- you are only 3 pounds lighter than Luthien!
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