For various scheduling reasons, we weren't able to bless Maya in Mesa. So today was the big day! In our church, we don't baptize babies (that happens at age 8). But fathers do give their babies special blessings when they are infants. It was so sacred to me to hear Wes bless Maya with personal promises for her future. My favorite part was when he said she will be a woman among women, and that the world needs her womanhood. I thought that was so sweet. Maya is already so beautiful and feminine. I have no doubt that she will be a wonderful woman, wife, and mother one day. The world will feel her presence. She is a special spirit.

Wishing everyone a Happy Sunday!

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She is so precious! I got a little teary reading that- sounds like a special day! I'm glad Wes's mom could be there too!
Beautiful family, beautiful dress. Where's it from, if I may ask.
What gorgeous photos! So glad to hear of your blessings!
Maya's blessing dress is from Dillards—it's a Strasburg. My dress is from (a company out of England, but they have an American site and catalog). :)
What a beautiful family. I love the woman among women part of the blessing - so wonderful.
beautiful- all of you!
Kaia's baptism dress was from Strasburg also. We have an outlet 2 hours from here! You have to remember them in 8 years.
Thanks for sharing part of Maya's blessing. It was very touching. She looks beautiful and so does your family photo!
Beautiful photos! I like the one of Grandma Johnson and Maya a lot. They both look so happy.
I also wanted to thank you for the info on how to enlarge photos in blogger. How easy!! Thanks for sharing.
Congrats on your big day little Maya. You look so beautiful, and so does your whole family! We miss you all and hope to visit soon. It sounds like a refreshing change, and I am jealous! Love you guys!
Maya is so beautiful, as is your sweet little family. Congratulations on this special day.
Congrats on the blessing day! What moving photos....the Spirit shines in them!
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