My sister-in-law Tiffany came over the other day and gave me a luxurious hot stone massage. Tiffany is quite the talent! She has these delicate little bird hands, but they pack a punch! She gives the best massages.

Finn was very curious about all the dark, smooth stones dotting my back. He wanted to take them all off and put them back on. He wanted to rub his little fingers in the oil (and then try to pet my hair). And he wanted a massage, of course! (And he wanted the stones on his tummy, because isn't that much more interesting?) So rather than post the photos of my blindingly white back, I thought Finn's photos would be way cuter!

Thanks, Tiff, for a relaxing and giggly time!
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How adorable he is.
Sounds relaxing!
You're welcome!
I hope all your chakras are now aligned....
I thought you were gonna show some skin on this blog!
Modest Lynnay :) Just kidding
you never know who is looking at your blog
Love tipp
I need to try a stone massage again. I was so excited for my first and then so disappointed, but I think it was the massage therapist not the stones. Oh...that makes me dream of spa time. And what a cutie the Finnster is!
I also have to say Kaia was thrilled that you are now a follower. That was sweet of you. Thanks!
And I am completely missing your design skills. Terribly to be honest. I long for you. I long to email you. I long for your return. It was so easy with you. I'm sorry. Just thought I'd let you know you are missed BUT completely doing the right thing!
So glad you got a little R&R! Happy [late] Mother's Day.
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