I did it!! I found the solution.
This. diaper. cream. works. Holy smokes. Give it 3 days, and even the worst diaper rash will be gone. Well, in Maya's case at least! And I had tried
everything. Even basking her little bare bum in the sun. I tried almost every type of diaper cream on the market. And this one is
miraculous! It's called TriDerma Baby Severe Diaper Rash Fast Healing Cream. You can find it
HERE. And it's worth every penny.
(Big sigh of relief.) Stay tuned for I what I think will be the colic cure I have been looking for. It's in the mail now, and I need to give it a week to see if it works on her little tummy. But according to rave reviews from family, this could be the ticket...fingers crossed!)
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The Miracle Blanket works MAGIC! You will fall in love instantly because you're life is about to change for the better. Sweet Maya will sleep like a dream.
OH Lyndz!, So happy you found a diaper rash cream that works. Hope the blanket works too. Hey, glad to hear that everyone is on the mend from the stomach bug. Those are the worst I think. I got one when I was prego with Gavin, and Mike was out of town. I thought I was going to die. I hope you will be getting some sleep soon.
Awesome that you posted this. I just discoverd TriDerma cream for eczema and was pleasantly surprized. They carry both at some Walgreens...
Way to spread the love, you supermom, you. : )
My little one had HUGE colic. Have you tried running a blow dryer when when she goes to sleep. Our little Gigi went through 4. I swear, and we tried just about everything, but we got the most relief from running a blow dryer near her crib--on cold air of course.
Give it a try if you haven't already.
:D Ann
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