This photo taken with my iPhone pretty much sums up my day. A crazy blur.

Today has been all about survival. All about rest and meals and diaper changes. All about keeping Finn entertained while I stay in bed (cue music of doom and gloom). It was NOT EASY keeping Finn in the bedroom with me while I attempted to rest today. I downloaded a bunch of games on my iPhone, and he played them happily with me for a couple of hours. Then we named all the parts of the body multiple times (Finn learned knee, shoulder, eyebrow, and heel). Then we watched a selection of movies. At one point we were watching the movie Madagascar. Finn saw me folding the laundry on the bed, fished out his new wild animal PJs, and insisted on putting them on in the middle of the day so that he could match the movie.
Finn is on his third turkeydog of the day and is licking the ketchup off of the plate (ugh, please don't judge me...I couldn't deal with the tantrum that ensued when I offered him other snack choices). I think he is using the ketchup as finger paint on his little chair as I type this... He has tortured the dogs to the point where I can hear them in the other room plotting their midnight escape. My backscratcher has become a sword. And I have a pillow fort next to me where Wes usually sleeps (7 pillows total).
Finn has been pretty resourceful, actually! While I was nursing Maya today (something Finn does not like), he started screaming for "Wawa!!!!" His sippy was empty and he wanted to drink, too. So I told him when I was done nursing, I would refill it from the sink. "NO!!!" Then he went and found a bottle of water and brought it to me so I could refill his sippy. Clever little guy!
The saving grace of the day has been Maya's angelic behavior. She's had quiet wakeful periods of up to an hour in her little bassinet. Usually she wants to be held when awake, but has been very patient today. She even afforded me a nap with Finn. Unreal! We'll see how she does tonight. Fingers crossed...
Finn is starting to throw a fit over the fact that he can't drink my throat spray, and the remote has become a laser shooter (I swear it's ingrained in these boys!). So I am off to take a shower with him. It's the only way I can get the task done. It keeps Finn's ketchup fingers off of Maya, and we all get squeaky clean. (Plus Finn's slip-free alligator crocs at the end of his naked little legs is the cutest sight ever!)
POST EDIT: Finn just crawled into bed next to me with his personal Finn-sized pillow, and requested "Ratooy" which is Pixar's Ratatouille. Then he pulled the covers over both of us, put his arms up over his head (a sure sign he is tuckered out), and settled right down. For such a whirlwind of a two year old, he sure is sweet.
Goodnight, all!

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I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard day! Hope you feel better soon. I kept a basket of special toys (stickers, little treasures etc) on top of the fridge for Abbott to play with when I nursed Cal; it seemed to help a lot.
For me, the first 4 months of baby life is all about survival. "One day at a time" resonates as a mantra. Movies, games, movies, art projects, movies, dress up time, and movies were all part of our strategy to get through it, and it worked. You do what you have to, and realize that one day of turkeydogs at every meal will not kill him - in fact I'm sure he enjoyed it immensely! Having Wes gone for long hours will be difficult with 2 young ones, but I'm sure it will make your family time all the more precious.
It seems we have the same kind of days. One difference my little one is almost the size of my big one. I have two of these little crazy people running around. Like I said before, it is so bitter sweet. At the end of the day, after all the screaming, fighting, throwing, grabbing, wanting, and needing I take one deep breathe when it is all over and I can't help but smile and my days accomplishments. If that is not "I am women hear me ROAR"! I don't know what is. :) Happy days.
fuzzy memories of long days with a newborn are coming back to me... I hope Wes is home today and you get some real rest! That was pretty smart of him to go find a waterbottle- I love when they start learning to help themselves!
Boy do I feel your pain! no judgment here. I was in survival mode the whole month of Feb when everyone was sick, myself included. One tip I got from La Leche League about nursing when you have a toddler; give them a special basket of toys (from the dollar store) that only comes out when you are nursing the baby, and put them away as soon as you are done. I didn't do this with Luke, but I have heard other mothers saying this worked for them.
Lyndsay, I think you're doing good to actually be getting on the computer at all! I'm so glad to hear Maya is so happy and is such a little angel. Hope you feel better soon!
You sound so together! I admire your mommy-ness, I really do. I'm confident I would be a blubbering mess if I were in the same boat. You are certainly carrying on your Super Mom series (with you as the Super Mom!) and doing a fine job of it!
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