Here are the rules:
1. Take a look at the giveaways below, and decide which ONE you would like to win.
2. Leave a comment with your name and e-mail. Include which giveaway you prefer.
3. Important!! In your comment, list one great reason why you love your mom (or your mom's mom, or your friend's mom, or your friend who is a mom...). A winner will be chosen for each giveaway. The contest ends Friday, May 1, 11pm EST. I will post the winners and their comments on my blog Saturday, May 2. (I will also notify the winners by e-mail.)
And now for the giveaways!
B. Beautiful:
Two little lovelies from Crystal B. Jewelry Design. You will love the Boho Chic earrings, and Vintage Coral Bobbi Pin. (She is my favorite Etsy jeweler. Visit HERE for more of her designs.)
Cozy Home:
• A delicious French Market candle from Backyard Candle Company—a beautifully floral scent. (She mixes them all herself, and they are some of the best smelling candles I've found. Find them HERE.)
• Some adorable glass magnets for the fridge.
• Hello Birdie cards from Deb's Designs. (Find more of her simple and sweet designs HERE.)
Glitz it Up:
Volumes 1-3 of Glitz Design Digital Create-a-Card Kits, as well as Season 2&3 of their entire digital scrapbooking collection. (Visit HERE to view Season 4, just released!)

Good luck. And thanks for being so Super!

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Kristen Barker,
I would like to enter in for the B.Beautiful package! My comment is directed at my Grandma
Betty Ann Showers is the most gracious, loving, energetic, beautiful woman I know. I am so proud to be her grandaughter. I have always felt a tremendous amount of love from her. Not only is she my grandma but she is my friend. I love you grandma. Happy Mother's day! I hope you had fun in Europe!
p.s Lyndsay, I think you might have meant May 1st rather than March 1st? maybe?
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win! And for listing options! I would like the Cozy Home package if I win. One of the reasons I love my mom so much is because she is so proud of and thoughtful of her daughters. She's always kept us in line and made choices that would help our lives to be better. I appreciate her efforts of raising two girls by herself so much! I know that couldn't have been an easy feat!
Happy Early Mother's Day to YOU, Lyndsay!
Congrats on your new bundle of joy!!! She's beautiful!!! I would love to have giveaway #3!! My mom is truly the most giving and hard working woman I know. She adopted my brother and sister at the age of 40 with no regrets and also raised me and my sister as a single mom beautifully. She also has her own ahir salon and can cut some awesome hair do's HEHE. Thanks for hosting this cool giveaway, have a great day!!!!
~Molly P
What a great giveaway! Though I could say plenty of things about my own mom, I'd have to say that today I am most proud of my oldest and best friend, Beth, who just (a few hours ago) gave birth to her first baby. She's so amazingly calm and strong; she inspires me everyday. But because she lives four states away, I'd vote for the Cozy Home package, so she's have a candle to help her relax, magnets for the beautiful pictures she'll have for her fridge, and note cards so that we continue to stay close!
I would love to give my mom the B.Beautiful package! She is going through a really hard time right now and I think she would love these. I love my mom because she can always tell when I am not fine {even if I say I am} and gives me good advice. Oh, and she makes me some beautiful scarves for the winter! Thanks! Ashley
Hi Lyndsay! How fun. I'm hoping you meant May 1st, not March 1st..or else I'm outta the game.
Although I'd love to win them all, I think I'd use the scrapbooking stuff the most.
My name is Mique and my email is provost_mique
My favorite thing about my mom is that she is a determined person. Boy did I hate that growing up but now that I'm a mom and have faced some pretty big challenges, I'm grateful that she taught me to never give up. Sounds cliche but it's true. I know she's there with me in all of my trials (and joys too) pushing me along to keep going.
Thanks again! You're the best!
Hey Girl, Ali Taber here.
I would LOVE the Glitz stuff. Then I can think of you while being creative, since you know you inspire me all the time.
My mom is truly the strongest most giving person I know. She kept our family together and stood by when dad was dying of ALS, only to do it all over again when my grandfather (her dad) got sick. She has a beautiful spirit, and while I poke fun and say, "Man I sound like my mother!"– the truth is that I can only hope to be as great a mom as she is. Happy mother's day (and mother's heart) to all.
Yes, yes. MAY 1st is the deadline. Silly, late night Lyndsay.
Who doesn't love a giveaway? And I would LOVE the B. Beautiful lovelies. I love my sweet friends Robyn & Liz, who are both moms (like me!). They understand the frustrations and the giddy highs of motherhood like no other, and provide a perfect sounding board and shoulder to cry on. I am grateful for their advice and laughter, and would happily gift them with these bits of bejeweled joy.
i love the B. Beautiful set, how lovely! the thing i love most about my mom is that she is her own person. different from so many women her age, and determined to keep learning and studying every single day.
I love all the sets, but I think I would want to win the home beautiful set the most. I have learned so much from my own mother. Probably the most important thing I learned was to make time for your children everyday. Time to just play and indulge their imagination. I love her!
Congrats on your new baby! What a fun giveaway--I especially love the Glitz it Up set.
It is hard to narrow down to one reason why I love my mom. She is such an amazing, strong woman. Through her example, she taught me how to withstand the deepest, darkest times in life with faith. She clung to her beliefs and would not let anything sway them.
I like Cozy Home because I like candles, note cards & magnets.
One great reason I love my Mom? Simply because she is my Mom, and she has been there for me through everything. And she makes delicious bisquits!
Lisa Fewox
Digital scrap stuff
My Mom is wonderful because she is always in "service mode". Even though she has a jam packed schedule of teaching piano/voice, taking care of my retired Dad and high maintenance little sister and going to college full time, she still helps whoever is in need. She's a great example of loosing yourself in service!
Kristin -
Glitz Design Stuff ... I am still debating on going digital, maybe it will push me over the edge :)
My mom is my inspiration as a mom - she loved being a stay at home mom despite society's pressure for women to have careers. She always encouraged us to follow our dreams, and was supportive when we changed dreams. And she is the only person I know that wants to change every diaper when she comes to visit! Thanks Mom!
Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity for the give away!
Cherise Horton
-Glitz digi-scrap booking package please!
I have been blessed by having 3 wonderful women as mother figures in my life, my mom, my step-mom and my grandmother. They all three are wonderful ladies in their own right. I love all three of them dearly, and each uniquely different from each other. So it is hard for me to choose one, without giving the other two their due.
I would like to show my appreciation for the Military Mom's. I am blessed to see so many women on a daily basis that show strength beyond belief. They have to know how to be a single parent; but also let their children know that Daddy is only away for a short amount of time. They endure many obstacles on a daily basis, but are still able to keep a smile on their face for their children. There is one "Military Mom" that I hold great respect for, Heater (I'm omitting her last name). She has four beautiful small children, and I believe has been separated from her husband more than they have been together. She is such a vision of the kind of mother I hope to be. She is so strong, but has so much love for her children. I never see her without a smile. She is the true vision of enduring until the end.
I would love, LOVE to win the Glitz it Up Digital Create-a-Card Kits. The reason being really starts with my grandmother who first inspired me to scrapbook and to always write hand-written cards. I have every single card and letter she has ever written to me and I am so grateful for that. Just last year, she and I were having a meaningful conversation in which I told her that she was truly the mother I never had (my mother died when I was 9) and she responded by saying that I was the daughter she never had (she raised 7 boys, but no girls!). My grandmother means the world to me and when I saw these, I thought of her.
As scrapbooking and the like has moved into the digital age, I would love to be able send her some nicely designed and updated pages of my daughters, her great-grandchildren. She is increasingly ill and is now permanently housebound, and since we live so far away from her, pictures are the main way for her to see her great-grandchildren, for now.
Thank you so much for the chance to share about the mother I love and for the chance to win this lovely gift!
Great giveaway! One of the many reasons that I love my mom is that she's always there for me when I need her.
Would love to win the Cozy Home giveaway!
♥Lexi Majoue♥
Glitz it up package
One of the great reasons I love my Mom is that she always made some time at least once a month for us to go and have a girls day out together where we went out for lunch and did a little shopping one on one.
This was a sacrifice since she and my Dad commuted an hour to work and an hour back home Monday thru Friday.
So not only did she put in a full work day with 2 hours spent driving on the road, she also made sure we were all fed and taken care of.
And she STILL made time for us to just be girls and to talk and get to know each other. :-)
My name is Christa.
E-mail: cjd5xc (at) mizzou (dot) edu
I would love to win the Glitz it up digital scrapbooking package.
I love my mom for many reasons. She has always been there for me. After going off to college, she let me call her at any time of the day for any reason. My mom and I have grown much closer in the past few years, and I can honestly say that she is my best friend. She gives the best advice, but lets me live my own life at the same time. She has always encouraged me to make my dreams come true, and helped me get there. She congratulates me over good grades and encourages me when I might not do so well.
When her brother died suddenly in a tragic accident last summer, she went to the city board and started a county wide movement to install sidewalks or bike paths along all roads. She proved to me that when you have a passion for something, you can do whatever you set your mind to.
I love my mom for being my mentor, my hero, and the biggest influence on my life. I'm proud to call myself her daughter.
I would love the Cozy Home gift package.
One great reason why I love my mom...
She brings out the best in me.
Because my mom continues to encourage us to do the right thing and be true to our maiden names! We were raised thinking positive, no name calling and finding the good in others. I love that those qualities were instilled in me and that she still requires us to follow the house rules!
I would love gift package number 3! The Glitz package. I have been dying to experiment with digital scrapbooking....just don't know where to start!
Thanks, Lyndsay. You're SUPER!
Definitely #2 to cozy up the home. My insipration is from my mom who, with 6 yrs total of school, insisted I go to college, who has sent me a letter every Monday since I left home to go to college and taught herself to type at age 70 so that I could still read those letters!
oops, annymous was me, Laurie email:
What fun options! I would have to go with the Cozy up the home--although all of them are awesome!
I have such a deep and true love for my Mom--it is hard to give one reason why. I will say that my Mother is very wise. She knows how to bring out the best in others. When I am troubled or discouraged she can comfort and inspire all at the same time. She is one of those people that believes so firmly in the greatness in those around her--that she just brings it out. She is a principal in a junior high school and was voted principal of the year for the State of Utah. She gives a lot. I feel very blessed that she is my Mother.
If I didn't already have the Glitz cd's I would totally want those- so fun! But I do, so put me in the running for the Cozy home stuff! I'm a sucker for paper and stationery. You know my contact info!
My mom is truly an inspiration. My "real" mom abandoned our family when I was 7 years old. My dad remarried soon after and my new "really real" mom inherited four children (each with his/her own issues from the divorce) overnight (she was 39 and had never been married). I love her with all my heart and she is my hero.
{I would love the B. Beautiful package-- my "really real" mom will be beautiful in them}
I'd have to say I would love to get my hands on the beautiful jewelry. I went to that's gals site and I WANT it all :) I love my mom becuase when it really matters I know I can count on her for whatever it is I need. I hope my kids someday will be able to say the same about me. -Ginger
I love the Cozy Home package of goodies; I love scented candles and magnets and those note cards are so cute!
I'm giving it up for my mom. She raised my sister and I after she and my dad divorced. There was little money but lots of love. She went back to college while working full-time and became a court reporter. She now owns her own business and she's proof that there's nothing you can't do if you shoot for your dream. She always seems to know when I'm feeling down and calls me; 100 times a day if she needs to.
Ann Krembs
Cozy Home
Joanie Downey dated Pat Freuen in high school, but once graduation rolled around, she decided to enter the convent. I love my mom because after five years of giving her life to being God's sister, she left. Once she left, Pat Freuen caught wind of the news within two weeks, and six weeks later they were engaged! I love my mom because she was brave enough to leave the convent, have five wonderful children, and still raise us all with God a part of our lives. I'm always so grateful that she left the convent, married our dad, and had all of us!
I'd like to throw my hat in for Giveaway #3. I've got some thank yous and birthday cards to send out so that would be perfect.
my mom is the best mom because she's also my best friend. we talk every day and deal with the same issues. it's like having an older and wiser version of yourself.
you know my email!
good luck today!
Oops--I forgot to add my email.
Thanks Lyndsay!
I love the B. Beautiful giveaway the most, and I really need some new earrings!
I love my mom because she is hilarious and my kids worship her.
I also love my mother in law because she is always helping when she can, she host Sunday dinners about every other week for all her kids and grandkids in the area and makes us feel like a priority in her life!
I am blessed to have 2 great moms!
Love the B. Beautiful Giveaway!
I love my mom because she is a teacher of strength. From being diagnosed with diabetes at 12, shattering her kneecap and getting 3rd degree burns on her feet requiring surgery, to raising three kids on her own and surviving abusive relationships, she has always been an unyielding pillar of strength. When I lost my arm in a car accident she sat by my side every day for a month. I credit my strength and resiliency to her.
Hey Lyndsay~
Fun idea to do a give away! I would love to win the B. Beautiful! I am the "mother-Heart" so naturally, I would give my own mother the adorable jewels... Sweet baby you have there..when, oh when are you going to bring her to church!!??
kleinermelissa at
Wow! How fun! I love my mom the most--because I always knew she believed in me and know she always will. Any time I have been hesitant about my abilities, she would sort of look at me and say, "Of course you can do that." And her next look would say "GET ON WITH IT!" I love you, mom!!
The third gift (Glitz It Up) is the one I'd love to have!
First I love everything all these mom have said. I'm glad I get to read these and grateful that you gave us the opportunity to show some love for these special women. I think the B. beautiful is so appropriate for this, so I will ask for that. :) I think you know my contact info.
I have so many women in my life that are so important to me. They all contribute in my development as a mother. I would not be as strong as I am without my mother strength. I would not have so much knowledge without my mother in-laws wisdom. I would not be some what organized without my sisters organization. I have learned compassion from everyone of my grandma's. I believe I would not have as soft or hard as touch as I do without having all of these hands to hold on to.
I'm grateful for all the mothers I have in my life and I can not pin point one specific one. They have all helped and continue to help mold me to be the best mom I can be.
Oh, I like the first giveaway, crystal b. I feel like I come from a long line of great women- my great grandma was an amazing artist, my grandmother is a homemaking queen, my mom is both of those combined. I'm very lucky. Love abounds.
so hard to decide! I think I would like Cozy Home. Where do I even start with why I love my mom...I think the older I get the better friends we become. At this stage in my life I just love talking to her. I can say anything and she won't judge. She is just there to listen, or encourage, or comfort. She is the best!
I would love to win the Glitz it Up package. I'm a bit of a "thank you" and "have a nice day" note freak
I love my Mom for leading by example to be confident and believe in myself. She taught me that is okay to have an opinion. She taught me to be nice to everyone, no matter what they look like or what they have. She taught me that my actions and how I treat others is what defines me, not my job or looks or material possessions. She told me that true love waits and that I was worth it. She taught me to spell and instilled a life long love of reading. What more could you ask for?
Do I get disqualified for too many reasons? :)
B. Beautiful! I'm trying to class up the accessories around here lately and that would totally do the trick.
My email is KaylaMoncur@gmail.
I love my mom because, even though I am 24 and perfectly capable, she still made me a big fancy birthday dinner on Sunday and I didn't have to lift a finger. THAT is a good mommy.
Thank you Lyndsay for posting with a link to my etsy store! I hope you are lovin' your candles! I dont need to be entered in your giveaway, but I will still tell you why I love my mom. There are so many reasons, but one is she's the hardest worker I know, always has been. She has never been afraid to get her hands dirty. :)
Hi Lyndsey! I am a blog admirer (stalker :) of yours. I just love your blog and your style!
I wasn't going to post anything about why I love my mom because this is perhaps the hardest time of the year for me because I've never really had a mom... I mean, I did (long story) but it was just awful... Anyway, I decided to let you know why my Daddy was the very best dadmom anyone could ever hope for! He shared coffee with me on weekend mornings and chatted with me, he took me for my training bra, he made awesome dinners, he is the nicest and most hardworking person. I like to think back to when we were young and growing up on the farm. My mom was never really present, although she was in our lives - my dad took care of her - and us. He would take us on fun adventures to the "Blue Lagoon" (the cow watering hole) and draw pictures of us on the back of game boxes... He would come home from working 12 hour days and garden with us and still have time for a game of horseshoes. He is the best dadmom I could ever have hoped for!
:) I'll be back! Oh, and I don't need to be entered in the giveaway :) I'm cheating anyway.
Thanks for making me think of all those things and smile even though at first I got a bit sad thinking about my nonmom.
I nominate my sister. See blog posts for loads of evidence - citing April 28, 2009 as a particular example.
I'm coming to seeeee you!
Glitz it Up -
I love my mom because she is always giving. Giving giving giving until...well she just never stops! Is that even possible?
Stephanie Hall-
I think the candles look fabulous, so that will be my choice.
What I love about my mom is how completely she supports me in all aspects of my life. She is the most positive, optimistic person I know and definitely my biggest cheerleader.
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