The waiting game...
It feels a little strange typing a post about my waiting game after Reachel's eloquent and beautiful post about her waiting game. But I do want to post an update on what's going on around the Johnson house, and with the little bundle of joy who has yet to make her grand entrance. I made it to my baby shower without going into labor—hooray. And I made it long enough for Wes to travel out to Cali and back—hooray. So now I am ready to make it to the hospital and have a baby, for goodness sakes. Today I am 3cm dilated and over 80% effaced. And alllllll evening/night I have been having these super annoying non-committal contractions. Sometimes I am "focusing" my way through them, or just grimacing, or simply noticing that I have a rock-hard tummy every 5 minutes. So I keep thinking "this is bound to result in full-blown labor, right? These shenanigans need to stop. I am getting grumpy." I walked and walked and walked all over the golf course with pretty yucky contractions, only to come home, sit, and have them stop. Then I did 3 loads of laundry and ironing in pain, only to sit, and have them stop. I made train tracks with Finn for an hour through squinty eyes, only to sit, and have them stop. SO apparently I am in fake-me-out labor. Nothing that will buck up and really say "let's get this party started." By now I am just plain tired and starting to feel like I do when I am starting to get the flu (achy, tired, headache...). But I am sitting and typing, so you guessed it—the contractions have momentarily stopped. Sigh. Tomorrow I will start all over with more walking and see what happens (trip to the mall, I say!). My doctor said today that because everything, quote, looks so good (I am saying this in a whiny, pity party voice), he'll let me go a week over my due date before inducing. What tha...! So my body better not make a habit of this "now you feel me, now you don't" nonsense. No one is going to want to be around me by Friday. I'll be fussier than Finn without a nap!

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Hope things with Wes's trip to CA! And just think...at least the non-committal contractions are doing something. You are 3cm! Keep walking...after getting hopefully a good night sleep tonight. Good Luck!
P.S. Maybe you should try a little "get caught by the pest control action"....it might help!
Hang in there! And, what is it with these doctors wanting to go past due dates. A deadline is a deadline! Give the mamasita a break for goodness sake!
This makes me LOVE my doc even more. All I had to do was ask and she induced me to get the show on the road. I think one of the up sides to having a female doctor who has had three kids of her own, she knows what being 9 months pregnant feels like and is willing to end your suffering ASAP. Haha. I'm thinking of you. Hope BG Johnson gets here soon–for your sake.
I am so glad that Wes made it to CA and back before you went into labor, and I really feel for you (even though I don't know what you are going through). I know I don't like waiting, and especially waiting with pain, so I hope the big show starts soon for you! (Even though selfishly I am hoping she is born on my b-day) ;)
oh lyndsay. the waiting is the worst! i hope she comes quickly. good luck!
i'm totally bummed i missed your shower. i heard it was lovely.
My guess is that she will be here by late Thursday night- 2nd babies usually arrive pretty quickly following the stage you're at. I can't waitto hear the news! So excited for you! xoxo
Oh misery! I'm so sorry. Those last couple of days are sooooooooooooo long. I remember that. But seriously, girl, you're pregnant days are numbered! You will not stay pregnant forever, I promise. But in the mean time, please get some rest, if you can. No need to start off labor by feeling tired from billions of loads of laundry.
And one more thing...these shenanigans really ARE accomplishing something. You are going through all this so that when your labor actually starts, it will not be the looong, arduous labor you had with Finn. Things are getting stretched gently and gradually, so that when you really go into labor, you will sail right through cm 3-5.
I know every body has their 'story' so here's mine it has worked the last three times.....do some SERIOUS gardening. All that up and down and squatting puts me into full labor by night. Hey, it worked. My arms were very scrapped up from the rose bushes but it worked.
So exciting Lyndsay! I know it sounds strange but I'm very jealous :) It definitely sounds as though labor has begun- slowly but surely. Keep walking and perhaps go for a swim (although I'm not sure what happens if your water breaks)-I think that's what helped Luthien come a week early! Can't wait to see that beautiful bundle of joy!
Hello friend : ) I have been thinking about you, and I am wishing/praying for you to have a safe, easy, and wonderful delivery. I am looking forward to when you post about your new wumpkin : )
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