It was such a gorgeous day yesterday in Mesa, that Wes proposed that we get Finn out of the house. Where to? We can't take him around people...the Superstition Mountains just down the road, of course! Finn loved it, and took a big fat nap after. He was tuckered out! I got to break in my new camera. And I am posting loads of photos, because it's been so long since we've had such smiles out of an energetic Finn! A day full of Supers.

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I just came upon your blog via Reachel's and I love it! You are such a cute mama and so so talented! I love this blogging world where you can "meet" so many talented and beautiful people. :)
That sure is some scowl! I had to laugh when I saw it. I love the pictures! It's always fun to see different topography- in New Orleans there were palm trees and now here in Texas there are hills. I'm not sure I would be a cactus loving girl, but they make really cool landscape pictures!
I just happened upon your blog and I'm so grateful!! You're too cute for words and very talented. Plus-your laundry room is iNsAnE! Wow, only in my dream world. Can I be a sheep? I'd love to keep up on all your cuteness. And I LOVED your supermom series- so inspiring!
Great pictures! It's good to see him smiling! (and scowling)
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