
Happy New Year!

And happy 30th Birthday to Wes. But more on that later, to be sure!

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Asha de L'arbres said...

happy birthday new year to you and yours! I hope finn is back on the mends and you all had a fabulous time with your family! Congratualtions Greg! If he's still there tell him so!

Lybi said...

Happy Birthday to Wes, and Happy New Year! I am bugged that I can't come see you, but I ABSOLUTELY can not come over there at ALL (not even a doorstep visit) until the flu finishes up with my family. We are all mostly well, but Adam is taking his time about feeling normal in the tender tummy department. Want to know something GREAT though? Adam had such terrible diarrhea that he finally finished his potty training! It gave him lots of practice with lil' old number 2, and now he's an expert. Hot Dog! Silver lining-dom. Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas. Happy New Year, and tell Wes 'welcome to the "prime of life"' for me, will ya?