Since finding out I am having a girl, I have had a gazillion thoughts running through my mind. When I found out Finn was a "Finn for Sure," I was so excited to have a boy, and that pretty much was the extent of it. I didn't ponder what he would grow up to be, or what he would accomplish in his life. I was too consumed with his new beginning. But now I find myself up late at night thinking about all of the things this little girl is going to experience/endure in her lifetime. And I know it is because I am a girl, and have had those experiences to be excited/concerned about. I am sure Wes does this equally when it comes to Finn. So I'll leave that to him for now, while I take on the girl. :) And there's a lot to take on! She has to know she's loved and precious. She has to have good body image. She will one day deal with spiritual issues. Educational issues. Friendship issues. With love issues. Wife issues. Motherhood issues. And then Wes had to point out, as we were leisurely driving along, "Some day some guy will want to DATE our daughter." Squeak of panic from me. I can totally endure the thought of Finn courting someone else's daughter. Line them up and send them off on dates. He will be the most upstanding gentleman, of course! But all those other little boys out there better be upstanding gentlemen, too! And all this for a baby that is only about 20 weeks old developmentally. I have a good long time to come to terms with these things. And I am way overthinking all of this—I know. In the mean time, I do need to worry about what I am going to be for Halloween (baby girl is already dressed and ready for the big day in her sono skeleton suit):

And then there is the issue of names. I like to try them on for size for at least a couple of months before committing. And this is not nearly as easy as boy names have been. So any good suggestions can go into our pot. If yours is chosen, you get a free banner. KIDDING! But you do get eternal credit for it. :)
The sonogram gal couldn't get a good profile shot (not for lack of trying), but here are 2 of the cutest feet soles I've ever seen. Ready for ballet? Working on 4th position already! Whereas my little 21 month old sitting next to me has distractingly stinky feet. Wow. Bath and bed time!

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OHHHH!!!!Ohhhh!!! Yay! I'm so excited for you. Your whole post gave me goosebumps. I'm a nerd what can I say! Cheers to us LADIES :)
Since Mike and I are all done procreating, I will share the name we planned to give to Gavin, before we found out he was a HE. I had convinced myself that HE was a SHE (even the Chinese calendar told me so.) but deep down I knew boy #2 was on the way. So if Gavin had been a girl; Lorelei Linstrom Taber would have joined us. Congrats on your girl. My boys will be perfect gentlemen … or else!
It's not my favorite, but I found a Danish name - Rikke (from the name Frederikke) that means "peaceful ruler". Which is kind of reminisent of how you described your vision of her. :) I can't wait to hear what name you all come up with.
That would actually be pronounced "Reeka." The e makes kind of an "a" sound. So Anne is actually Anna. Danish names are tricky to make work in English!
Yeah "Reeka" Johnson is no bueno.
I am so behind - congratulations!! We are so excited for your growing family. Can't wait to hear your girl name. I had the hardest time coming up with ours.
I found your blog via the ornament exchange. I just wanted to say congratuations! I too am 20 weeks pregnant and just found out I am having a baby girl. My first child is also a boy, Isaac, and he's 5. I already had my girl's name chosen before our ultrasound. She will be Hannah Noelle. (And hopefully Hannah Montana will have fallen off the face of the earth by the time she's old enough to know who she is. I just like the name...). Good luck with your pregnancy... it will be fun to watch what you make for this little one!
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