OK. I am going to give everyone this notice. When this next baby comes, I am going to quit working. Quit. Hopefully before then, actually. Why? WHY?! I could give you a gazillion reasons. Ones like Finn is staying up until 11:30 at night eating unregulated amounts of raisins with dire consequences. Or the fact that I am forgetting what day it actually is. And that some days I don't leave the house, and am afraid that my dust bunnies might take me down in a riotous uprising as I round the corner. Are those enough? Oh and I have gray hairs that I can classify as "many." I didn't HAVE those hairs two years ago. Yes, I will still be "creative," but I have to cut out all this clientele. I love you clientele, but I am leaving you. Consider this your Dear John note on the bedside table after a mad affair that can only end in confusion and breathlessness. Phew. Can you feel that weight lifting? I actually took the time today to go to the children's museum and lunch with Finn. I have NEVER done that in his 19 months of life. Horrid! What is wrong with me?! I loved every minute of it, even though I was feeling guilty that I wasn't at home cranking out creativeness for other people (again, I love you "other people" for offering me your money in exchange for my talents, but see sentence 16 above). And then it dawned on me that I could have this life everyday! In fact, I quit my full-time job that paid way more and provided me with benefits while I was sans bebé, so that I could be a great mommy once I was avec bebé. So I think it is time to turn all this creativity on my unsuspecting child and child-to-be. That's really the only way, no? What better creative outlet. Watch out, Finn. I'm gonna turn you into an easel-loving, Fimo-sculpting, glue-covered wonder kid! I already have plans for a doll house papered in Glitz. I sure hope there is a girl on the way, otherwise Finn will be parking his tractors in the upstairs bedrooms. I think I'll go print out some business cards that say:
Lyndsay JohnsonMom ONLY, and there is nothing wrong with that.(Now if I can only get out from under all this work I've committed to...)
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Good for you!! You won't regret it and will enjoy having some sanity back in your life. I have a box of hair dye waiting for me to cover all my grays as well! I have a nice "silver" streak forming around my left temple. 2 kids does not equal double work, it equals triple.
Ha ha! Good for you! Best of luck :o)
Just discovered your blog and it's lovely! I can relate to lots of your comments in this post! On the other hand, I think I'm a better mum for having some work for myself on the side, but it has hard to regulate the 'right' amount. Have to admit I haven't taken my 25 month old to the museum yet...
Good for you- it is so hard to work from home with kids! I did it for 1 year after Bella was born, and only that long because I had committed to and I was the first one in my company to try it and people were counting on me to make it work. And as a ?mom only" myself who still gets overwhelmed and exahsted, I agree, there is nothing wrong with that! I can't wait to see the dollhouse though!
Good for you! It's hard running both ships. Is that even a saying? Anyway, I've been wanting to have you make a header for my food blog and kept putting it off and putting it off. I guess it's my own fault. I'm happy for you though! Being a mother is the best job in the world! What a blessing that you can quit. ENJOY!
Wow Lyndsay! There is something about being pregnant that makes a woman more decisive. "No! I hate dijon mustard...I only like HONEY mustard, and only with ham. At all other times it is an abomintation..." Just kidding. Good for you, Lyndsay! You are going to be the rockinest, most creative "mom only" ever!
Is it cliché if I also say, "Good for you" ?? I don't care, GOOD FOR YOU! You will have so much time to spread all that creativity in you to your little ones.
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