

I guess I forgot how T-I-R-E-D I would be at the end of a day. I don't really remember being this tired with Finn, and I worked full time. (But I must have been. ??) I am so tired I can't even think of a creative image to attach to this post. Yesterday morning I slept in until 10am (!), and was exhausted by 8pm. Today I woke up at about 8am (my usual), and I am sitting here typing in order to force myself to stay awake b/c I have an appointment at 8pm. I fell asleep on the 15 minute drive home from Wes's Dad's house tonight. Wes was kind of chuckling at me by the time we reached our house. Was I snoring? Drooling? I wouldn't put it past me! I even managed to have a dream. Finn must be feelin' me, because he conked out (I thought that was spelled with a "k") and he is currently snoring away. Hopefully it will last alllll night long. Wes leaves for an out-of-town shoot at 6 am tomorrow, which means I will be taking him to the airport at a bright and early 4:30 am. I might be a Zombie (capitalized for effect). Maybe I will be abe to gaze out of the dusty car window and ponder some more creative posts. Until then, I'll be trying to catch some Z's (which also happens to be my nickname...not that that has anything to do with anything). (In re-reading this for grammatical mistakes and general oversights, I found more than 10. There are probably still some in there. Losing it!)

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Asha de L'arbres said...

Too bad you can't drink tea, because I would suggest a Yerba Matte!

•stephanie• said...

that how i always felt -- could someone please just wake me up when it's time to have the baby? or not.

Emily Ruth said...

Lynds~ This is exactly how I felt the first 4 months with Mo. My midwife suggested more iron (great sources if you don't feel like eating meat are Floradix or Chlorafil--both can be found at Sprouts). It helped SO MUCH! This time around I started them right away and I haven't had the "dead" sleep yet. But then, pregnancy does weird things to our bodies--and some are just not remedy-able (is that a word?--I dunno. It's 1:30 am).

Anonymous said...

You have been working hard! Put those feet up and take a snoozle!
