Wes bought me this for my birthday. He knows I hate laundry. Probably because it's the last thing I ever have time to get done, and it piles up. And ironing is the worst for me. So he bought me a commercial steamer! And as I was marveling at its super steamy capacity while I was steaming a shirt today, I was reminded of why Wes is perfect for me. Wes isn't a flowers and jewelery giving guy. (Don't get me wrong—when he does give those things, they are always beautiful and very unique.) But he much prefers to give thoughtful presents at just the right moment. And this moment happened to be when we were getting ready for our Christmas trip to TX and I had mountains of laundry to iron (cue dread-inciting music). So when I got out of the shower that morning, a large box was waiting just outside the door with this happy number inside:

Maybe it's a sign that I have fully entered wife and motherhood when this becomes the most romantic present! Nothin' like new laundry equipment to steam things up in a relationship...
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That is awesome! I never iron- I spray bottle things and throw them back in the dryer- Sam usually has to iron his shirts though, I should get him one of these and do his shirts for him!
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