Thanks to all who made our party such a success! It was a great time, and wonderful to see so many friends! In the crazy whirlwind of the event, I didn't take a single photo. But my good friend Amy (pictured below holding Finn) took many, and I stole them for my blog. :) Thanks, love! And Wes took a shot of the aftermath of the "kids room" (uneaten cake, dried playdough, capless markers—the whole nine yards). We ate cake, raffled off prizes, opened presents, visited, admired, and even cooked some s'mores over the fire pit in the backyard. Smashing time! Happy 2008!

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I LOVE your kitchen!! (I assume that is where everyone is standing in that last shot) It is amazing!
Godt Nytår!!
Only in Arizona could you have such a fun time outdoors in January. It looks like everyone had a great time. We loved the pictures, especially the one of the kids. Happy New Year to you.
Looks like a great party! I want to see more pictures of your house!
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