Thanks to my librarian of a sister-in-law, Tiffany, I am sleeping at night, and so is Finn! She brought a book home from the library for me called "The Sleepeasy Solution—The exhausted parent's guide to getting your child to sleep." It offers sleep solutions from birth up to age 5. I read it in one day, out of desperation, and put it into practice 4 nights ago. It worked the FIRST NIGHT, and has worked ever since, even for naps! It is amazing. Even Wes's jaw dropped when Finn went to bed at 7:30 with just a few whimpers and konked out until the next morning, when he woke up happily at 7:30 am. This book is truly amazing. Hooray for Tiffany and sleeping babies!
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I came back to see Finn splash around again and noticed I missed this one!
I have a few friends who I need to recommend this book too. Actually I kinda wanna get it for me just to see what in the world it said that made Finn get to sleep so easily! LOL.
Enjoy your Baby is sleeping time :)
Yea! Sleeping babies are THE BEST. Morris is still somewhat newborn so he still sleeps a lot-- However--that stage is coming soon so I'd better give that book a quick read: )
Oh yea! Sooooo happy for you! I'll keep this book in mind for round 2.
I've never heard of that one but I will have to read it- sleeping through the night is so necessary for me!
Yea!!! Tiffany is a QUEEN! That is great news!!
Horray for libraries! May they live forever.
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